How to avail Services under the India PKI Framework.
CCA License Certifying Authorities (CAs) under section 21 of the IT Act and exercises supervision over their activities. For knowing the steps for becoming CA , available on this website, click here.
The CCA, through Root Certifying Authorities of India (RCAI), certifies the public key(s) of the licensed Certifying Authorities(CA) to enable them to issue Digital Signature Certificates to end entities. The list of CAs licensed by CCA is available here. . To obtain a Digital Signature certificate, individuals /organizational persons need to contact one of the licensed CAs.
For the latest CRL(s) pertaining to of RCAI click here.
The link to the corresponding CRL is included in the CA certificate to enable automatic verification.
The framework for the eSign service and list of empanelled eSign Service Providers(ESP) are available at eSign Online Service. Application owners intending to enable eSign online electronic signature Service in their application may contact any of the empanelled ESPs .
Time stamping services under India Public Key infrastructure( PKI) framework is regulated by CCA and facilitated by licensed Certifying Authorities(CAs). CAs are allowed to provide Time stamping services either directly or through a setup at organisational premises. Organisations intending to avail time stamping service need to approach licensed CAs. The list of CAs Licensed by CCA are available here.
- Licence to operate as Certifying Authority (CA)
- Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)
- Certificate Revocation List(CRL)
- eSign
- Time Stamping